Google Analytics 4 – What’s all the Fuss?

We all know that what gets measured, gets done. Whether you are employing staff, or your website to do some of your work for you, measuring the results is an important step to good business management. Google Analytics has a whole new version out – Google Analytics 4. The promise of this new version of the old Google Analytics is much more in-depth analysis and data about what visitors are doing on your site and will help you measure things in a whole new way. Google Analytics 4 - Events Based Tracking Sitting behind the scenes is a whole new…

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5 Reasons to have a Digital Marketing Strategy

A Digital Marketing Strategy might sound like a boring document that you spend a lot of time on, put in a drawer and forget about for the rest of the year.Most business owners I know don’t like spending a lot of their time on social media – they love working in their business, but when it comes to working on their business – and specifically the marketing for their business they would rather spend their time anywhere else but there.As we move towards a new year it may be time to consider a new approach to your Digital Marketing. The…

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Do I need a website?

Do you need a website for your business?If you are just starting out in business it’s probably a question you’ve asked yourself already.Surely you can start by promoting your business on social media, get some followers and then get a website when [insert the goal you think you need to reach in order to need a website]? Or when you can afford it? Or when you get serious about your business?If you are setting up a new business then it is time to get serious about your digital presence. Here are the pros and cons of a social media first…

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Mailing List: 6 reasons why your Business needs one

Email might seem old fashioned in the 2020’s. Isn’t everyone on social media?Does anybody even read their email anymore? And won’t it be spammy to be emailing my contacts all the time?And even if I did have a mailing list what would I send them? Why would they want to hear from me? 1. Most Online Users have Email While email may seem old school, it is a very cost effective and convenient way to stay in touch with your target audience and most people - around 96% of all online users - have at least one email address.Even it…

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Do you really need to be on Page 1 of Google?

It’s an interesting question. The Search Engine Optimisation experts can give you a major FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) about not being on Page 1 of tells me that one of the top phrases people search for is “How to get on Page 1 of Google”. But is it really necessary for your business? And is it the only way to get your business seen, known, liked and trusted?Here’s a few things to consider before selling your first born and dropping a major amount of coin on a self-professed SEO expert. You already have more than enough If you are happy…

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Discovery Calls – why do I need one?

When you book a Discovery Call with us, we will take you through a series of questions to get to know you, and your business a little better. Getting your website built or updated can seem like a daunting idea! Many people feel overwhelmed at the technical side of life and just want it done for them – and we love to do that!There are some things about your business that you know best and once you can share those, we can build you the best website possible to attract more clients, grow your business, and bring more dollars through the…

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6 Easy Ways to Create more Content for your Marketing

Content is king – at least in Google’s eyes! And getting seen in Google is the name of the game if you want your business to be found on the internet. Not only that, a recent article by SEMrush who focus on Search Engine Marketing, showed that: companies who blog, produce 67% more leads per month blog posts remain the most effective form of content over email, ebooks and white papers, and on average, long-form content (more than 600 words) generates eight times more page views, three times more social shares and nine times more leads, than short-form content. So…

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5 simple Ways to improve your SEO

Search Engine Optimisation or SEO is the process of improving your website to increase its visibility for relevant searches. The better visibility your pages have in search results, the more likely you are to get attention to your website and attract prospective and existing customers to your business.Creating a great ranking website is not a one-time deal. It takes work and consistency to get your site ranking highly in organic search.Here’s a few things you need to consider, and nail, if you want to improve your SEO game:Consider what you want your business to be known for, is it your…

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Blogging: A few things you need to know before you start

Starting a blog for your business can seem like a great idea and I, for one, would encourage you to do so. But there are some things you need to know if you’ve been considering blogging that not every web designer or marketing guru will tell you. Blogging can be Good For You and your Business Lots of marketers will tell you that blogging is good for your business. Blogging is not just a tool for sharing your favourite recipe, gardening tip or travel adventures (so maybe that doesn't happen so much anymore). Blogging can have many benefits which support your…

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