Do you really need to be on Page 1 of Google?

It’s an interesting question. The Search Engine Optimisation experts can give you a major FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) about not being on Page 1 of Google. tells me that one of the top phrases people search for is “How to get on Page 1 of Google”. But is it really necessary for your business?

And is it the only way to get your business seen, known, liked and trusted?

Here’s a few things to consider before selling your first born and dropping a major amount of coin on a self-professed SEO expert.

You already have more than enough

If you are happy with where your business growth and stability currently is or you already have a waiting list for your services or products then being on Page 1 of Google is not necessarily going to give you anything more than prospects you can’t help. Which isn’t going to be great for their experience of your brand or your stress level.

Your website is old and outdated

If your website is a bit embarrassing – and let’s face it, if it hasn’t been updated for a few years it probably looks a bit old fashioned and out of touch – then you probably don’t want people visiting there.

Especially if your brand is old or no longer relevant to your business because you’ve pivoted, refocused and retargeted your efforts. A website that doesn’t reflect your true brand and its values isn’t going to do you any favours either. Stay off of Page 1 until you get that sorted!

You get enough business from other sources

Businesses are constantly changing and the old adage that “if you are not growing, you are going backwards“ still applies. If you are lucky enough to have a business that grows through organic reach, whether that is through word of mouth, direct referrals, social media, a super-engaged mailing list, or even through directly targeted cold calling then you probably don’t need to be on Page 1.

Putting your hard-earned marketing dollars into building your referral network or other mechanisms to bring in business will most likely serve you more efficiently and cost effectively.

You are using Google Ads to jump to the top

Investing in Google Ads can help to take you to the top of the page but it is also prone to the quirks of an ever-changing market place in which your competitors are competing for that top ranking too, meaning you are never guaranteed of being at the top of the list unless you have a BIG budget to spend on Google Ads. But it can help.

You want quality referrals, not tyre kickers

You know the sort – the ones who purchase purely based on price or convenience or speed to market – are they really your ideal target audience? If you’re running Uber then the answer is always going to be yes. But most small businesses aren’t built around this type of business model.

If your business is about providing good quality to people who understand your brand, resonate with your values and appreciate the work or products that you provide then you don’t want to be bogged down with calls from unqualified leads who will likely waste more of your time than you care to think about.

You have a great network

If you are a reasonable networker and are always on the lookout for opportunities to promote what you do, and you offer great service or products as part of your business model, then people will be happy to tell their friends and contacts about your business.
People love sharing a success story, so by walking the walk, not just talking the talk, your business will build a reputation as an organisation which provides great value and service. It’s a long game, not an overnight sensation.

It’s worth taking the time to consider whether your best business marketing strategy is to be on Page 1 of Google, or if it is to provide an outstanding experience for your current customers and clients. If you’re playing the long game of building a business which provides value to your local community, a unique niche of ideal people or just want to be the best you can be at what you do, then being on Page 1 of Google may not necessarily be of any benefit to you.

By reviewing your marketing strategy on a regular basis, knowing where new business is actually coming from and tracking the patterns of client acquisition you can learn a lot about where the best place might be to spend your marketing dollars.

If you’d like to develop a new digital marketing strategy or you’ve decided its time to update your website to bring it up to date with your current and future business goals, then use the big orange button below and let’s do this!


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