Discovery Calls – why do I need one?

When you book a Discovery Call with us, we will take you through a series of questions to get to know you, and your business a little better.

Getting your website built or updated can seem like a daunting idea! Many people feel overwhelmed at the technical side of life and just want it done for them – and we love to do that!

There are some things about your business that you know best and once you can share those, we can build you the best website possible to attract more clients, grow your business, and bring more dollars through the door – whether that door is virtual or exists IRL (in real life).

We work through how we might be able to assist you, how we might work together and consider tips and tricks of the trade that can help you take your digital presence to the next level. And once we know exactly what you are looking for we can give you a solid proposal, so you know exactly what the next step is.

Here are some of the key questions we are going to ask, pretty much every time …. It is worth thinking about these before the scheduled call time.

Discovery Call Question 1: What is your Business?

By understanding what your unique business is about we can better provide a solution that fits! Some of the questions to consider are:

  • What is your key reason for being in business?
  • What products or services do you provide?
  • What are you trying to accomplish in your business at the moment?
  • What is your biggest frustration with your business?
  • What is the vision for your business?
  • What is the one thing you want to be known for?
  • What are your top five core values?

Discovery Call Question 2: About your Website

Whether you already have a website or not, there are some key things we will want to know:

  • Do you already have a website or need a brand new website?
  • What don’t you like about your current site? What do you like about your current site?
  • What is the main goal of your website?
  • Do you want to be able to sell or giveaway freebies on your website?
  • What pages do you think you want on your new website?
  • Have you worked with other web developers before? What was your experience like?
  • Are there any special requirements we need to know about?

Discovery Call Question 3: Your customers and clients

Knowing who you are trying to target with your website informs the way the site is designed, the user experience and the functionality that is included, so think about:

  • Who does your business serve?
  • Who is your ideal client?
  • What do you want your ideal client to do when they arrive on your website?
  • What is your clients’ biggest pain point? And how do you help them solve it?
  • How do you want people to feel when they arrive on your site?

Discovery Call Question 4: Your Competitors

Knowing your competitors and what they are doing with their digital marketing can help to inform a better approach for you. Consider:

  • Who are your top three competitors and what do their websites look like/do?
  • What are some websites that you really like? Or strongly dislike and why?
  • What sets you apart from your competitors?
  • What are the biggest challenges within your industry?
  • What is your unique selling proposition?

Discovery Call Question 5: Branding

Knowing what your business is about and how it reflects out to the world is what branding is all about. To help you create a great new digital marketing front we like to understand a few things:

  • Do you currently have branding, a logo, colours, fonts that fit with your business?
  • How would customers describe your brand?
  • Are you able to provide the brand files and do you have a style guide?
  • Do you have a tagline?

Where to from here?

If you’ve been thinking about a new website or updating your existing site, book a Discovery Call – it’s free and during that call I will offer you free tips for taking your business to the next level, as well as chat to you about how a new website can be integral to gaining more customers and building more profit,

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