How to easily stand out from the crowd

Increasing sales and profits can be challenging at the best of times, have you ever wondered what it might like to attract just the right type of customer to your business every single time, knowing your business stands out from the crowd?

If the tribe that engages with your business really understood what you were about and found alignment with your brand would your profits increase or could you expand your services?

As a business owner, spending more and more time online to get the message out is most likely not the answer you are looking for – and besides, you do want to have a life!

So how do you find the right people to fit with your business that will become loyal, repeat customers? Social Media can help, but knowing where you should be spending your time can be challenging. Here’s a breakdown of some of the top tools and how they might help your marketing efforts.


This is most likely your preferred social media platform if you’re over 40. But who is your target audience? Are they also in the same age bracket or is your target market a different demographic? Want to build a following and run a group for like-minded people? Then Facebook is your go to.


If you’re between 12 and 40 then you likely spend more time on Instagram than Facebook. The instant gratification of a well curated and filtered image, together with the ability to use short hashtags and quick sentences suits this age bracket. No long scroll posts like Facebook, just instant gratification here. And dogs. Everyone loves to post a pic. #dogsofinstagram


LinkedIn is great if you are marketing to a professional target audience or business to business. Getting seen on Linked in is about your network but there are also tools to reach out to others you don’t know beyond your immediate network. It’s not what you know, but who you know…

Social Media platforms are potentially great for getting engagement and driving people to get to know your brand, but you are very much at the mercy of the social media magnates that decide what gets presented when and where. Posting and advertising on social media is a great form of disruptive marketing.


Search engines like Google and tools like Google My Business are useful for helping you to be found when people are deliberately looking for your services and products. Your social media presence is also ranked by Google so it does have a place in helping your business to be found, beyond the boundaries of the particular social media platform. Google can also lead people to your website.


If your target market is women between 20 –60, then Pinterest is the place to pin links and helpful information. More search engine, than social media, Pinterest helps those who are actively looking to find your products or services. Known for its ability to show you every kitchen or garden in the world that you might aspire too, Pinterest can also be a great too for driving traffic to your website.


Your website is a little piece of the internet that you can have complete control over. You are no longer at the whims of complex algorithms or unknown rules about what you can and can’t put on your website (as long as it’s legal!). Your website can completely reflect your brand, you values and your passions.

Your website is where people end up, whether they are actively looking or you have disrupted their social media time with a Facebook Ad or a link from your Instagram bio.

Getting the most out of your website investment means identifying who your target audience is and what you what your target audience to learn and do when they get to your site. Do you want them to book a call, buy a product, request more information, download a freebie, sign-up for a newsletter or refer a friend?

By attracting the right tribe to your business, through social media, search engines and ultimately your website, you can see:

  • sales and profits increase
  • more of the right type of customer engaging with your business
  • your target audience understanding your brand, what you stand for and where the value is

How do you make it happen?

All of this magic doesn’t happen overnight, it takes time to build your brand across various platforms, search engines and sites. A planned, strategic approach to your free and paid marketing can help potential clients and customers learn more about how you can help them.

If you haven’t started thinking about what next year might look like, then it’s time to get started on putting together a marketing plan to make 2021 your best year yet. Consider which platforms are giving you some kind of returns for the effort and time you put into them.

Think about where your target audience might spend most of their time and focus on achieving better results from your social media business pages, Google My Business and Website. They are the best online tools you have for marketing your business and if this year has shown us anything it is that a lot of things can be achieved when people are online!

By utilising online tools strategically and smartly, not only can you stand out in a crowded market place, you might even get some time back in your day to do the other things you love more!


Found a spelling or grammatical error in this post? Then contact me as soon as possible and let me know. In return for your super proof reading, I will offer you a free 30-minute review of your digital presence and some fresh ideas you can try out for free.

Get in Touch

If you are missing one or more of these tools from your marketing inventory, then feel free to reach out and I can help you to get started.

If you’d like to learn more about each of the online tools mentioned in this article, then sign up for my newsletter to be the first to receive ongoing tips and marketing tricks direct to your inbox.

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