Google Analytics 4 – What’s all the Fuss?

We all know that what gets measured, gets done. Whether you are employing staff, or your website to do some of your work for you, measuring the results is an important step to good business management. Google Analytics has a whole new version out – Google Analytics 4. The promise of this new version of the old Google Analytics is much more in-depth analysis and data about what visitors are doing on your site and will help you measure things in a whole new way. Google Analytics 4 - Events Based Tracking Sitting behind the scenes is a whole new…

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5 Reasons to have a Digital Marketing Strategy

A Digital Marketing Strategy might sound like a boring document that you spend a lot of time on, put in a drawer and forget about for the rest of the year.Most business owners I know don’t like spending a lot of their time on social media – they love working in their business, but when it comes to working on their business – and specifically the marketing for their business they would rather spend their time anywhere else but there.As we move towards a new year it may be time to consider a new approach to your Digital Marketing. The…

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Do I need a website?

Do you need a website for your business?If you are just starting out in business it’s probably a question you’ve asked yourself already.Surely you can start by promoting your business on social media, get some followers and then get a website when [insert the goal you think you need to reach in order to need a website]? Or when you can afford it? Or when you get serious about your business?If you are setting up a new business then it is time to get serious about your digital presence. Here are the pros and cons of a social media first…

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3 things you must do before calling a web designer

Before you book that meeting with a new web designer and definitely, before you pick up the phone, there are three key things you need to consider and be able to explain to them.A good web designer will ask you about all of these and it is much more helpful if you are on the front foot and know the answers.Not only does it help steer the conversation and enable the web designer to offer you tailored solutions, it will help clarify the direction your marketing can take. In addition to your website solution there may be other tools your…

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Mailing List: 6 reasons why your Business needs one

Email might seem old fashioned in the 2020’s. Isn’t everyone on social media?Does anybody even read their email anymore? And won’t it be spammy to be emailing my contacts all the time?And even if I did have a mailing list what would I send them? Why would they want to hear from me? 1. Most Online Users have Email While email may seem old school, it is a very cost effective and convenient way to stay in touch with your target audience and most people - around 96% of all online users - have at least one email address.Even it…

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Webcare: What to Look For

A lot of website developers will offer their clients a webcare plan (some may call it a care plan, or a website maintenance plan or something similar) once the initial build or re-build of their website is finished. A webcare plan helps to maintain your site in tip-top condition.I wrote here about why you need a webcare plan, but what really happens when you engage someone to look after your website on an ongoing basis? What does Webcare Involve? A webcare plan will ensure that the range of software that has been used to build your site is kept up…

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You’ve signed up for a new website – what happens now?

You’ve signed up for a new website – exciting times! Wait - signing up for a new website can be a daunting process! You’ve selected the designer/developer you like and paid your deposit. What happens next? By now I hope you’ve had at least one meeting to set out what you want for your new website. The designer you have engaged should have a good idea about what you are looking for – and so should you! It is a good idea at this stage, if you haven’t done so already, to identify the types of websites you like the…

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Attention: How to Get it and How to Keep it

Getting people's attention long enough to come to your website is a huge feat - with nearly 2 billion websites in the world, if you are getting good traffic, you are to be congratulated! Keeping them there is a completely different game! Google rates “Bounce time” – that is how long it takes for someone to bounce off your site – and uses this bounce time in deciding whether your content is worth sending people to in future. Good content, longer bounce times means better Google rankings. Writing copy and blog articles which resonate with your target audience is considered by some…

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Does My Business Need a Website?

It’s a question that runs through every start up business owner’s head when they are planning their business launch. It is an investment of time and cash when you are starting up and there are so many things you need to invest both your time and money in, on top of a website, so is it worth it? According to a recent study, only 47.1 percent of Australian businesses have an online presence – despite the pandemic and the move to online shopping and remote working pushing people online more and more. Over 85% of people go to the internet when…

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