You’ve signed up for a new website – what happens now?

You’ve signed up for a new website – exciting times!

Wait – signing up for a new website can be a daunting process! You’ve selected the designer/developer you like and paid your deposit. What happens next?

By now I hope you’ve had at least one meeting to set out what you want for your new website. The designer you have engaged should have a good idea about what you are looking for – and so should you!

It is a good idea at this stage, if you haven’t done so already, to identify the types of websites you like the look of, what you like about them – is it the colour, the fonts, the flow of information, the menu style, or something else?

1. Get it Together

You should prepare your business collateral – if you haven’t done so already. “My what?” I hear you say… In designer speak, business collateral includes things like:

  • your logo files (the designer may have specified which format they want them in too – say .jpg, or .png, or .svg), images
  • any other files you want included in your website (like free downloads, reference documents, privacy policy, terms of use statement)

You should have an idea of the sections you want on your new site and at least have some dot points, if not full copy of what will go in each section.

2. Share the Details

Your designer will ask you for a few login details – depending on what you are doing – like login to where your domain name is registered (if you already have one), potentially a login to your existing website and the hosting that you are currently using.

3. Use their Systems

Most designers will setup a way for you to share your collateral and files – if you’re working with me, it will most likely be a shared Google Drive or Dropbox. Different designers use different tools, but essentially, they do the same job. Using a shared drive saves files getting lost in the myriad of emails and saves a lot of time when it comes to adding those files to your website.

Some designers will have project management software that they want you to access too. I don’t do this.

Why not? Because I like to keep it as simple as possible for my clients. Most of the people that I work with are not inclined towards technology so I try not to introduce complicated systems which can be overwhelming and take more time to use than they are worth

Most of the time I find it is quicker and more straight-forward to pick up the phone or shoot a quick email off to obtain clarification or a missing answer.

4. Design on Your New Website Begins

Once you have provided all the files and answers to the designer, work can begin. A rough draft will be developed with you – if this hasn’t happened already in the process. The draft will identify some of the major design elements – like where your logo will go, where your tag line will go, what will the Calls to Action be, which fonts will be used for your site, what items will be in your menu and so forth.

At this stage you should be able to get a feel for what the website is going to look like. It is at this stage you need to be completely honest and tell your designer if you don’t like the direction they are going in.

And I should mention that it is totally okay to say that! It is your website and you should love it – if you don’t understand why something has been done in a certain way, now is the time to ask.

As the designer gets further and further into the design, more decisions are made, based on these early ones, so being open, honest and upfront will help everyone in the long run.

5. Don't be Shy!

Getting started on your website is an exciting time – to get the most out of it, open and regular communication is a must. It’s a good idea to make sure you respond to queries from your designer in a timely manner so they can keep working. Often a decision is required that may potentially change the direction of the design so a quick response is important. Still got questions? Then pick up the phone and ask – don’t be shy!

It’s your website and you should understand the thinking and logic which has gone into the design decisions that the designer is making and in the end you will have a website that you love, and more importantly that your customers and target audience resonate with that converts lookers to bookers and browsers to buyers!

If you’ve been thinking about a website, but don’t know how to get started, then use the big orange button below to book a free 60-minute Discovery Session and let’s get you on the road to becoming one of those business success statistics.

Some people ask why I have a booking system which gives you a free 60-minute discovery session “Can’t I just call you when I’m ready?”

Booking a full hour means I can be fully present to all your business needs, your website or marketing dreams and it’s an opportunity for me to get really clear on your goals – without interruption or distraction from competing demands.

From there I can advise you the best way forward for your business.

It also means that my day is most productive – interruptions all day mean I can’t focus on my current clients – once you become a client I’m sure you will appreciate that!

Thanks for helping me stay productive.

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