Your website is live – now what?

Getting your website live is a huge achievement. Making sure your words and images show off your products or services and will entice potential clients to engage with you can seem like a massive step forward for your business – and it is. A lot of business owners only get as far as purchasing a domain name and then never get their website built.

Building a new website can be confusing and overwhelming if you haven’t done it before and there’s a whole new language to learn. So once you’ve done it you should rightly congratulate yourself, thank your web designer and sit back and wait for the phone to ring, right?


Now the work begins ...

Once your website is live, the work really begins. Now is the time to promote, promote, promote. And when you’ve finished telling everyone you know about your new website then it’s time to ask them to share it around too. Most people will be more than happy to share a post on Facebook to support a friend’s new business – but you do need to ask.

Here’s my top 5 ways to get your new website noticed.

1. Social Media

Like it or hate it, social media is here to stay so you might as well make friends with it.

Share your website link on Facebook and other social media platforms – use one of the beautiful images on your website with the post. Let’s face it, like food, social media is consumed with our eyes!

2. Email

Email your friends and existing customers with a link to your website – ask them to take a look and share the link to anyone they know who might be interested in your products or services.

You could even go so far as to give them the words to write. “Hey, my friend [your name] just had their website done for their business doing/selling/ [whatever it is]. They provide [your products/services] – check it out here [link to your new website].

3. Business Cards

Update your business cards – make sure you have your website on your business card.

Most people keep business cards in case one day they might need your services. Putting your website on your business card gives them immediate access when they want to know more about your services.

They don’t have to wait until you’re available for a phone call, they can look at your site any time.

And if you don’t have business cards, it’s time to get some with your website on them.

4. Signage and Flyers

If you have business flyers, posters or signage then it’s time to get those updated too.

Putting your website on your car signage allows people to find your business when you’re just going about life in the car.

You know you’ve done it yourself – you pull up at the lights and in front of you is the name of an electrician. You’ve been thinking about getting those new fans installed but you just haven’t had time to find a sparky. So you take a photo and check out their website later.

Mobile advertising at its best!

5. Business Networks

Let your business networks know too – if you are in a business association or online network – share it with them too – not only will they be excited that you made it to completion, they likely will either need your products or services , or will know someone who does.

And remember, a great Google ranking doesn’t just come from building a great website with amazing Search Engine Optimisation. So don’t expect it to rank on page one on day one. A great Google ranking comes from people visiting your site, finding something interesting, sharing links, and from you constantly building new content which resonates with your target audience.

If you’d like to find out how I can help you build an amazing, customer-converting social media or website strategy, then book a free strategy session. In around an hour we’ll develop a plan to take your business to the next level.


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