The first three things you should do after your website goes live

Building a new website is often a major endeavour in the journey to becoming a “real” business, and once the build is over, it can often feel like a bit of a let down – all that hard work has paid off, but where are the accolades? After your website goes live, the real work actually begins.

A website is just another tool in your marketing inventory and like any good tool, it’s no good if it just sits in the garden shed and does nothing – you’ve got to get it out and use it for it to be any good to you.

The best thing you can do once your website is live is share, share, and share it some more.

  • To your Facebook page for your business and your personal page
  • On Instagram
  • Post it to your Linked In feed
  • Send a Tweet or two
  • Create an email to all your contacts letting them know your new site is live!

Make sure it becomes a permanent way of doing business – that no matter how you contact people your website is included.

  • Add your website to your Facebook page and Instagram profile
  • If you haven’t already set up your LinkedIn Business page, now is the time to do it – and add your website!
  • Change your email footer to include your website address
  • Update your business cards to include your website

Whether you are a brand new fledgling business building your first website, or an established business refreshing the look and feel of your online presence, it takes work to get your new website up and running.


Not only have you established a new business or kept your existing business going, you have created another tool in your marketing inventory to help you stay in business and you’ve most likely done that on top of everything else you do every day to provide great products or services to your customers and clients.

So a little happy dance is definitely called for.

Go for it like no-one is watching!

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