Do I need a Discovery Call?

Jagged Crow Creative offers a free Discovery Call of 60 minutes to anyone who is “website curious” – either you have a website that you think needs an overhaul or you are relatively new to business and you think you need a website.

What is a Discovery Call?

A Discovery Call is our opportunity to get to know one another a little. I may have met you at a networking function or you may have found me on Google or in a group on social media.

A Discovery Call gives us some time for me to focus on your business, unpack your goals and identify if there is a way for us to work together.

During the call I will ask you about what your business is or does – who do you serve, what are the products and / or services you offer, what challenges do you currently face, what are you trying to achieve with your online presence through your website as well as other digital assets.

I will ask you what works well and what isn’t working – this helps me to identify areas where I can add value to your business.

I will also offer you suggestions for automating data collection, online processes and improving your digital marketing practices.

Why does it take a full hour?

Spending 60 minutes on the phone together allows us to identify if we think we would like to work together – I believe engaging me as your web designer needs to be a partnership, not a contract for works. Developing or updating your website is just the start of an ongoing relationship for your business and mine, so it is important to find out if we enjoy working together!

I love hearing about what small business owners are doing in their businesses – every single one is different and offers a unique combination of products or services. I am constantly amazed by the creativity, ingenuity and options that are being provided by small business owners to their customers.

To prepare to get the most out of the time together you should think about the following questions:

  • Who is your target audience? (if you’re not sure, I wrote here about finding your best niche)
  • What are you trying to achieve with your website?
  • What are your overall business goals in terms of growth, reach etc?
  • What other online or digital tools do you use to get the word out (e.g Social Media, Google My Business etc)?
  • What other tools do you use to support your marketing efforts (e.g. MailChimp, booking software)?
  • What is your budget for the work – yes I will be up front and ask you that – if your ball park and mine are nowhere near a match then I can help you identify what your budget can achieve. (For a helpful guide to cost, have a look at this blog I wrote a while ago.)
  • What is your preferred timeline for the work? If you want your website in a week then I am likely to tell you it won’t happen. Together we will discuss a reasonable timeframe that is achievable for both of us.

How much is a Discovery Call?

I don’t charge for the initial Discovery Call – I like to think of it as just as much for my benefit as yours! While I will give you some suggestions and ways you can improve your business it is also an opportunity for me to get to know you a little and identify we can work together and if I can genuinely add value to your business.

If I don’t feel your business would benefit from my services I will tell you – I have been known to tell a business owner in the past that she was not ready to build her website yet and gave her some things to do before we went to the next stage. We then re-engaged at a more suitable stage of her business growth to help her achieve her goals.

What happens after a Discovery Call?

After the Discovery Call is completed, I will then develop a proposal for what the initial engagement might include – what pages will be included on your website, what other tools we might activate to support your business goals, a proposed timeframe and costs.

This is as much for me to make sure I have truly understood your requirements as to set out what is and isn’t included. From there, if we have both decide we want to work together we can get started!

Get in Touch

So if you are “website curious” and want to chat to someone about how a new or updated website might help take your business to that next level you have been dreaming about, use the big orange button below and Let’s Do This!

I look forward to chatting to you on a Discovery Call soon.

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